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4 things every parent should know about kids and stuttering

How many times have you been at the dinner table and your child suddenly can't find the right word? He stutters, pauses, and starts again. You just know that if he says it out loud, it will be fine, but he just can't do it. Although stuttering can be frustrating for both kids and parents, it isn't usually causing alarm, and there are things as per kids' speech pathology Adelaide that you can do to help.



1) What exactly is stuttering?

Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by repetitions, prolongations, blocks, or uncontrollable sounds in your speech. The severity of stuttering varies from person to person. When you think of a kid who is struggling with their words, chances are you're thinking of someone who is stuttering. Kids whose speech patterns cause people to think they might be having trouble learning how to talk are often sent to see specialists known as speech-language pathologists (SLPs). SLPs can help kids with actual communication issues as well as those who have been misdiagnosed with disorders such as apraxia and language delays when what they're really struggling with is simply having difficulty speaking more smoothly.


2) How many people in the world are affected by stuttering?

The World Health Organization estimates that more than 50 million people, or roughly 1% of adults, have persistent problems with speech fluency. Most are children who grow out of it naturally, but there's an important group of individuals whose stutter persists into adulthood. What we don't know is how many kids struggle with their speech to the degree that causes major issues in their everyday lives—or if we did, we might find that number is much higher than what's reported in formal studies.

kids' speech pathology Adelaide


3) Is it possible to overcome stuttering?

Once kids have overcome their speech impediment, they have to live with a label. In most cases, therapists will advise parents not to tell their child that he's cured. That can be difficult when classmates ask, What was wrong with you? Kids who've been through speech therapy learn that people don't have to agree on what something is called in order for them to be able to talk about it. Most are willing to let others think what they want as long as they don't ask them why or how many times a day they repeat themselves. Help your child move beyond his personal battle against stuttering by allowing him to define it himself in terms of his own feelings, thoughts and experiences.


4) Where can I get help for my child?

If you suspect your child has a speech or language disorder, it's important to talk to your kids speech pathology Adelaide expert first. Some speech or language issues can be due to ear infections, growth spurts, reflux or even constipation. The sooner you get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan in place, the better your child's long-term prognosis will be. If you need help finding a reputable therapist or expert who specializes in kids with speech or language disorders—and whose services are covered by insurance—look for professionals in good standing with ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association). You might also want to ask teachers, coaches and other adults who work closely with your child if they have any recommendations.


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