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Ways Sibling Can Help With Your Child's Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is a tough journey for your child, and having an ally along the way can be incredibly helpful. If you don't know what to say or do, look no further than your sibling! Here are some tips on how siblings can help with Speech Therapy Adelaide


Lend a Hand

The best way to help your child with his speech therapy exercises is to lend a hand.

  • Help him practice his speech therapy exercises at home, either on his own or with you. If he's having trouble remembering which commands to repeat, give him some time each day to rehearse them by himself.
  • Encourage him to do the same thing at school, if necessary; this will allow him more freedom in terms of where and when he can practice what needs practising (e.g., during recess).
  • If possible, continue providing support even after school ends for those who still need it!


Play Together

Play with your child. The best way to help your child's Speech Therapy Adelaide is by playing with them! If you have a toy that makes noise and is fun for both of you, use it! This can be anything from a drum set or piano keyboard to any other type of instrument.

If there are toys that are age-inappropriate, don't worry because these aren't worth spending money on anyway; just use what you have at home instead (if possible). If none of these options works for you, then try going outside in the backyard where no one will disturb them during their time out together as well as having access back inside without worrying about getting caught by anyone else who might want something too bad either way around this situation happening again soon enough."

Maintain a Positive Attitude

The most important thing you can do is have a positive attitude. Your child will be watching you and learning from your behaviour, so the more positive your attitude, the better for them.

Speech Therapy Adelaide

It's also important that you set a good example for your child by being positive yourself. If you are always complaining about how hard it is to help with speech therapy or how difficult your child's sounds are, then they will likely copy that pattern in their own lives as well—and it could lead to problems down the road!

If we can all take a moment every day just before we go off into our busy days at work or school and remember how much easier life would be if we were able to communicate better with those around us (and ourselves), then perhaps one day soon we won't need speech therapy after all.


Be Enthusiastic During Speech Therapy

In order to help your child's speech therapy, you should make it a fun and positive experience.

When you are enthusiastic about speech therapy, your child will be more likely to be enthusiastic as well. If you help them enjoy it by making it fun and engaging, they will get excited about learning new things. This creates a great environment in which both parties can grow and develop together!

Be Supportive Outside of Speech Therapy.

If your child has a speech therapist, be supportive of their therapy. They may need encouragement and support outside of the session as well. You can encourage your child to practice speech therapy at home or make sure that he or she doesn't feel embarrassed by it.

It's also important that you let your child know how much you appreciate them working hard on their speech and being open about what they want from their therapy sessions so that they know that there's no pressure on them (or any other aspect) of life!

For example: "I'm so glad I met all these great people here today!"


Siblings are an important part of any child's life. They can go from being the one who gets teased in school to being the one who helps out with Speech Therapy Adelaide. As your child grows, you will need to remember that siblings can be a source of support for each other.



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